School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 5:00 p.m.

September 16, 2010 Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order (7:00 p.m.)
1. Attendance


Present:  Carol Vallencourt, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2: Frank Farrell, District 4; and Lisa Graham, District 5.   Ben Wortham, Superintendent, was also present.

Charles E. VanZant, Jr., District 3 was not present due to military duty.

Public Hearing on the Budget
Business Affairs

2. Review the Rolled-Back Rate Calculation and the 2010-11 Millages
Attachment: ROLLED-BACK20100907112619562.pdf

Dr. George Copeland, Asst. Supt. for Business Affairs, reviewed information on the Rolled-Back Rate and mill levies per TRIM guidelines.  A tentative budget hearing was previously held on July 26, 2010 to review this information.  Since Rolled-Back Rate is higher that the mill levy, no tax increase is proposed for 2010-2011.  The total mill levy for 2010-2011 is 7.867 mills which is 6.40 percent less than the Rolled-Back Rate. 

Adopt the 2010-2011 Required Local Effort Mill Levy- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

3. Review 2010-11 Final Budget
Attachment: FINAL BUDG-10-11-20100909095621606.pdf

Dr. George Copeland, Asst. Supt. for Business Affairs, reviewed information on the final budget per TRIM guidelines.  A public hearing on the tentative budget was previously held on July 26, 2010 to review this information.  The Final 2010-2011 Budget, for all funds, totals $329,174,205.

Dr. Copeland also presented the Superintendent's Annual Financial Report.  The ending Fund Balance for fiscal year 2009-2010 is $16,879,727 with $12,156,362 (5.07%) of that amount in undistributed reserves for 2010-2011.  With the $16,879,727 roll forward fund balance, plus the estimated revenues, transfers and balances, minus the estimated expenditures of $247,440,501, we would have an estimated fund balance of $11,331,179 to prepare for the critical year 2011-2012.

Support Services

4. Review the Final 2010-2011 - 2014-2015 Educational Facilities Plan
Attachment: EFP 2010-11 Final Sept. Board.pdf
Attachment: Work Plan 2010 Final Sept. Board.pdf
Minutes: Mr. Mike Elliott, Asst. Supt. for Support Services, presented a brief overview of the Educational Facilities Plan for 2010-2011 through 2014-2015.  This plan is required by F.S. 1013.35, to be approved prior to the approval of the final budget.  This plan provides proposed committments and expenditures to address facility needs of students, faculty, administrators and for the maintenance of these facilities.  This plan was previously reviewed on July 26, 2010.
Public Hearing

5. Public Hearing for Speakers regarding the 2010-11 Final Budget and Millages, and the 2010-11-2014-15 Final Education Facilities Plan


Liz Crane, CCEA, spoke to this item regarding revenue.

Dr. Alesia Ford-Burse, spoke to this item regarding debt service.

Action Items

6. Adopt the 2010-11 Required Local Effort Mill Levy
Attachment: LEML-20100907115236165.pdf

Motion to adopt the required local effort mill levy of 5.369 which is (5.63) percent less than the rolled-back rate.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

7. Adopt the 2010-11 Discretionary Mill Levy
Attachment: DML-20100907122422203.pdf

Motion to adopt the discretionary mill levy of 0.748 which is (7.98) percent less than the rolled-back rate.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Frank Farrell
Second: Carol Vallencourt
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

8. Adopt the 2010-11 Discretionary Critical Needs (Operating) Mill Levy
Attachment: DCNML-20100907123712351.pdf

Motion to adopt the supplemental critical operating needs mill levy of 0.250 which is (7.99) percent less than the rolled-back rate.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

9. Adopt the 2010-11 Capital Improvement Fund Mill Levy
Attachment: CIFML-20100907130111994.pdf

Motion to adopt the capital improvement fund mill levy of 1.50 which is (7.99) percent less than the rolled-back rate.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Vallencourt
Second: Carol Studdard
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

10. Adopt the 2010-11 Total Mill Levy
Attachment: TML-20100907131430921.pdf

Motion to adopt the total mill levy of 7.867 which is (6.40) percent less than the rolled-back rate.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

11. Approval of the Final 2010-2011 - 2014-2015 Educational Facilities Plan
Attachment: EFP 2010-11 Final Sept. Board.pdf
Attachment: Work Plan 2010 Final Sept. Board.pdf

Approve the final Capital Outlay Plan.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Frank Farrell
Second: Carol Studdard
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

12. Adopt the Final Budget for 2010-11
Attachment: ADOPT FINAL BUDG-20100909102047363.pdf

Superintendent Wortham read into the official record, Resolution Number 10-04 adopting the final millages and final budget, and certified that the public hearing met all TRIM guidelines pertaining to the budget process.  

Motion was made by Carol Studdard, seconded by Frank Farrell.  Motion carried 4-0 to approve the Resolution.

Adopt the Final 2010-11 Budget totaling $329,174,205- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Vallencourt
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

Motion Minutes: 

Consent Agenda

13. C-1 Minutes of Special Pupil Request Hearing and Workshop on 08-03-10 and Regular Meeting on 08-19-10
Attachment: Minutes Workshop - 08-03-10.pdf
Attachment: Minutes SpecPupilReq Hearing - 08-19-10.pdf
Attachment: Minutes RegMtg - 08-19-10.pdf
Human Resources

14. C-4 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 9-16-10.pdf

15. C-5 Co-Enrollee list for August 2010
Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for August 2010.pdf (Confidential Item)
16. C-6 Advertise amendments to the Student Progression Plan for 2010-2011-Secondary Education
Attachment: Updates to the Student Progression Plan-2010-2011.pdf
17. C-7 Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement (Dual Enrollment) 2010-2011
Attachment: Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement-Dual Enrollment-2010-2011.pdf
18. C-8 Student Travel
Attachment: Student Travel.pdf
19. C-9 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Orange Park Police Department
Attachment: OPPD SEAA 2011.pdf
20. C-10 Interagency Agreement for Cost Sharing Expenses between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center
Attachment: CBHC PECO.pdf
21. C-11 Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School Update
Attachment: BLC placements.pdf
22. C-12 Exceptional Consulting Services, Inc. contract.
Attachment: Exceptional Consulting Services, Inc. Contract 2010-2011.pdf
23. C-13 Challenge Enterprises Birth to Three contract.
Attachment: Challenge Enterprises Birth through Three 10 11.pdf
24. C-14 Challenge Enterprises Three to Five contract.
Attachment: Challenge Enterprises 3 to 5 10 11.pdf
25. C-15 Travel exception request for out of state travel for School Board Attorney.
Attachment: School Attorneys Conference 2011.pdf
26. C-16 Amendments to the Special Policies and Procedures (SP&P) document required by rules and 2010 legislature changes.
Attachment: SPP Amendment Table.pdf
27. C-17 Travel exception request for out of state travel for Medicaid personnel.
Attachment: Medicaid Conference 2010.pdf
Business Affairs

28. C-18 2009-2010 Fiscal Year Program Cost Report
Attachment: Cost Report 2009-2010.pdf
Attachment: Cost Report (Fund 4) Cont Prog 2009-2010.pdf
Attachment: Cost Report (Fund 5)SFSF.pdf
Attachment: Cost Report (Fund 6) ARRA Targeted 2009-2010.pdf
Attachment: Cost Report (Fund 7) Other ARRA 2009-2010.pdf
29. C-19 Superintendent's Annual Financial Report for the FYE 6-30-2010
Attachment: AFR (ESE 348).pdf
30. C-20 Write Off Non Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check at SPC
31. C-21 Annual Review of CCSB Policy 5.08 Food & Nutrition Services, E. Employee & Student Wellness
Attachment: SFS20100907110848103.pdf
32. C-22 Budget Amendments for the Month of June, 2010
Attachment: Impact Statement.pdf
Attachment: Budget Amendment Report.pdf
33. C-23 Monthly Property Report - August, 2010 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-August, 10.pdf
34. C-24 Monthly Property Report - August, 2010 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-August, 10.pdf
35. C-25 Monthly Property Report - August, 2010 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-August, 10.pdf
36. C-26 Monthly Property Report - August, 2010 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-August, 10.pdf
37. C-27 Deletion of Certain Items Report - September, 2010
Attachment: Deletion Report-September, 10.pdf
Attachment: Deletion Report (Attachments)-September, 10.pdf
38. C-28 Warrants & Vouchers for AUGUST, 2010
Attachment: Warrants & Vouchers August, 2010.pdf
Support Services

39. C-29 Final Completion of Clay High School Buildings 1, 2, and 3 Electric Panels Replacement
Attachment: CHS Electric Panels Replacement Final Completion.pdf
40. C-30 Final Completion of Wilkinson Junior High School Locker Bay Re-Roof
Attachment: WJH Locker Bay Re-Roof Final Completion.pdf
41. C-31 Deductive Change Order #18 for OakLeaf High School
Attachment: OHS CO 18.pdf
42. C-32 Additive Change Order #3 for Clay High School Buildings 1, 2, & 3 Electric Panels Replacement
Attachment: CHS Bldgs 1,2,3 Electric Panels Replacement CO 3.pdf
43. C-33 Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Buildings F.S. 255.2575
Attachment: F.S. 255.2575.pdf
44. C-34 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 9,16,10.pdf
45. C-35 Tynes Elementary School Building 2 Air Conditioner Replacement Contract Amendment
Attachment: Contract Amendment TES.pdf
46. C-36 Additive Change Order #1 (Days Only) for Lakeside Junior High School Building 5 Air Conditioner Replacement
Attachment: CO 1 LJH.pdf
47. C-37 Deductive Change Order #2 for Tynes Elementary School Buildings 1 & 2 HVAC Replacement
Attachment: CO 2 TES.pdf
48. C-38 Deductive Change Order #1 for Clay Hill Elementary School Building 2 HVAC Replacement
Attachment: CO 1 CHE.pdf
49. C-39 Deductive Change Order #2 for Ridgeview Elementary School Building 2 HVAC Replacement
Attachment: CO 2 RVE.pdf
50. C-40 Deductive Change Order #2 (Direct Purchasing) for Keystone Heights Elementary School New Administration Building
Attachment: CO 2 KHE Admin.pdf
51. C-41 Additive Change Order #7 (Direct Purchasing) for Middleburg Elementary School Classroom Addition
Attachment: CO 7 MBE.pdf
52. C-42 Substantial and Final Completion of Orange Park Elementary School Building 7 Restroom Renovation
Attachment: OPE Sub Compl.pdf
Attachment: OPE Final Compl.pdf
53. C-43 Substantial and Final Completion of Tynes Elementary School Buildings 1 & 2 HVAC Replacement
Attachment: TES Sub Compl.pdf
Attachment: TES Final Compl.pdf
54. C-44 Final Completion of S. Bryan Jennings Elementary School Buildings 4-9 Re-Roof
Attachment: SBJ Final Compl.pdf
55. C-45 Final Completion of Wilkinson Elementary School Buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20 and 21 Re-Roof
Attachment: WES Final Compl.pdf
56. C-46 Final Completion of Ridgeview Elementary School Building 2 HVAC Replacement
Attachment: RVE Final Compl.pdf
57. C-47 Final Completion of Middleburg Elementary School Classroom Addition
Attachment: Middleburg Elem Final Compl.pdf
58. C-48 Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. Right-of-Way Easement for Middleburg Elementary School Classroom Addition
Attachment: Clay Elec Easement, MBE.pdf
59. C-49 Final Completion of Clay High School Building 5 HVAC Replacement
Attachment: Final Completion CHS.pdf
60. C-50 Final Completion of Clay Hill Elementary School Building 2 HVAC Replacement
Attachment: CHE Final Compl.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
61. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items

Approved the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of C-2 and C-3 which were moved to Discussion.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Vallencourt
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present
Carol Studdard- Aye

Recognitions and Awards (None)
Scheduled Citizen Requests (None)
62. Orange Park Medical Center

Minutes: Mr. Bryce DeHaven, Chief Financial Officer of Orange Park Medical Center, presented the School Board with a check for $10,000 to support the health care academy.

Discussion Agenda

63. Consider a change of date for the October School Board Meeting


Superintendent Wortham explained the need to change the Regular Board meeting date.  Board agreed, meeting was approved for Monday, October 18, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Teacher Training Center.

Superintendent Wortham requested a "Special Meeting" for approval of out-of-field teachers.  These teachers are required to be approved prior to October FTE week.  Board approved meeting for Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in Superintendent's Conference Room, 900 Walnut Street in Green Cove Springs, Florida.

Chairman Lisa Graham announced for the record that Carol Vallencourt left the room and did not participate in the vote.

Change date of October School Board Meeting- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Frank Farrell
Second: Carol Studdard
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

Motion Minutes: 
Deputy Superintendent

64. Public Hearing - Approve as advertised, amendments to CCSB Policy 6GX-10-2.26 Evaluations
Attachment: Amendment - 2.26 B and D - Evaluations.pdf
Minutes: Public hearing was held with no one present to speak to this item.

Approve policy amendments as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

Motion Minutes: The record shows that Carol Vallencourt was out of the room and did not participate in the vote.
65. C-2 (Farrell) Proposed Staff Allocation Changes 2010-2011
Attachment: Allocation Summary - Current Backup September 16 2010.pdf

Frank Farrell pointed out that the district is still heavily involved in trying to balance Class Size to meet compliance with the current state requirement.  Presently, approximately 700 students are out-of-compliance.  That could cost the district $3,000 per student when the count is taken in October. 

Denise Adams, Deputy Superintendent, advised the Board of 4 additional positions being  allocated for the October meeting.  

Mike Elliott spoke briefly on the movement of portable classrooms as they relate to Class Size.

Superintendent Wortham reiterated the financial burden that Class Size places on the district.

Renna Lee Paiva spoke to this item regarding OPJH Guidance.

The record shows Carol Vallencourt returned to the meeting and participated in the vote.

Approve staff allocation changes as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Frank Farrell
Second: Carol Studdard
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

Motion Minutes: 
Human Resources

66. C-3 (Farrell) Amend 2010-2011 Temporary Salary Table I for Administrative/Management and Supervisory Personnel
Attachment: ADMIN TABLES 9-16-10 TABLE I Revisions.pdf

Mr. Farrell made several general comments on the elementary, junior high and high school supplements.

Mrs. Adams responded that all schools had been asked to reduced their supplements last year and are currently 10% less than 2 years ago.

Approve the revision as requested.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Frank Farrell
Second: Carol Vallencourt
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

67. Division of Human Resources - Special Actions A
Attachment: HR Special Action A 9-16-10.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

68. Division of Human Resources - Special Actions B
Attachment: HR Special Action B 9-16-10.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Vallencourt
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charles Van Zant, Jr.- Not Present

Support Services

69. Plant Survey Overview
Attachment: Plant Survey Overview.pdf

Mike Elliott, Asst. Supt. of Support Services, explained that F.S. 1013.31 requires each district to have an educational plant survey.  The current survey expires on June 30, 2011.  At that time a new plant survey must be in place covering a five year period from 2011-12 through 2015-16.

Jim Connell, Director of Facility Planning and Construction, provided a brief introduction to the new on-line facilities project process.  There are no new schools scheduled in the new plan.

Presentations from the Audience
70. Speakers

Minutes: Liz Crane, CCEA and Kellie Griffis, CESPA spoke on the Education Jobs Bill funds.

Superintendent Requests

Minutes: Superintendent Wortham shared briefly comments from the FADSS Meeting attended on September 15-16, 2010 in Tampa, Florida.

School Board's Requests


Mr. Farrell gave a brief review of the FSBA Board of Directors meeting.  Items covered were:  1) FCAT - the debate continues on scores, 2) Lawsuit on Amendment 8 - exception of Charter Schools regarding state requirements, 3) Economic outlook - still lagging, rebound to be slow, 4) Revenue - estimated to be up by 4% for 2010-11 and possibly 8% by 2011-12, 5) Tax values continue to decline, and 6) Unemployment continues upward.

Carol Studdard inquired about the .25 mill critical needs levy that will appear on the November ballot and how to get the word out to the public.

Attorney's Requests (None)
Adjournment (8:50 p.m.)

